Monday, August 06, 2012

My Version of "E-Cards"

Cheeky e-cards are becoming more popular every day and to be honest... I do find them amusing. But let's be realistic...I can and did come up with better ones. Not only am I a great artist, but I have created the following e-cards that actually are all "true stories" in my life. Enjoy!

My life is a dance party and the older I get, the more I realize that if I don't stretch before going out, my neck and legs will be VERY sore the next day... Word to the wise... STRETCH!

I don't even remember how this saying got started... but I've busted it out on random occasions when meeting new people... I think of it as a "conversation starter."
Do you want a medal?
Another true story. I still carry medals in my purse just in case I meet someone who thinks they are "medal worthy."

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