Saturday, September 24, 2011

Picking Up After Your Dog

If you have a dog, you most likely know and understand the standard and expected procedures that are required while walking your dog: No dogs off the leash and PICK UP YOUR DOGS POO!

That being said, there are always those people who don't follow either rule and some that follow almost all of them.

In my particular neighborhood, there must be a small group of people who thought they wanted to know what it felt like to be "rebels." So instead of not picking up their dogs poo at all, they pick it up, place it into a "doggie-bag," neatly tie the bag... and this is where it gets weird; instead of throwing the bag into the nearest trashcan, which are on every corner, they decide throw it onto the sidewalk in random places. So now you have all of these neatly tied bags of dog poo scattered all over the neighborhood... WTF?

It seriously makes NO sense whatsoever and it makes me angrier to see those neatly tied bags everywhere  than seeing piles of dog shit!

I have to think that these "doggie-poo-bag" people must be stuck in their cubicle all day, hating the world and themselves, plotting how their going to get back at their city for raising taxes and not cleaning up the streets like they promised. Then they had a revelation, "I'll show them!" As they tie those bags, it becomes clear, "Take that city! F-U!"

Then each day as they walk past their bags, still strewn about the neighborhood, they smile to themselves knowing that their mark will stay there for weeks, even months to come! Because let's face it, who is REALLY going to pick that up and throw it away? Mission Accomplished.

Get a life people... THROW THE BAGS AWAY!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always makes me laugh out loud, no matter the topic! Love it tho... and so true!

1:03 AM  

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