Thursday, October 05, 2006

A question about "spam"

SPAM...a term that people originally associated with a canned "meat product" but nowadays...the word SPAM is regarded as junk email that plagues interent users and their e-mail.

Even though many programs have created software that claims to "filter spam," there always seems to be a small amount of SPAM that slips though the code and into your e-mails.

Regardless, has anyone ever contimplated what SPAM really is? I mean yes, back in the early 90's when people really began getting onto the internet, SPAM was sent out by some weirdos who just wanted to be annoying. Now though, if you check out SPAM emails, it's all about: increasing your penis size, buying quality rolodex watches, or meeting singles. Therefore some people must actually get PAID to sit there and create these bogus e-mails!

My question is this: How the FUCK do these people get paid if everyone is aware of their bullshit? Maybe back in the day people were dumb enough to believe these ridiculous e-mails but now, most people are savvy. Just sayin...

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